I wanted to reply to those who stopped and took a moment of their time to post their comments on my post but my brain don't permit it. Lately, I am having headaches that I can't describe. Sometimes it is painful sometimes it's tolerable. When I go home from work, I just want to sleep and wake up feeling bloated and don't have the appetite to eat. To all those who stop and read my blog and comment, I sincerely thank you all. I'll find time to reply to you back soon
I think our Brain is the most powerful among our body parts/organs. When we get headaches and the meds that we take don't cure the ache, off to bed we go. Lots of meds to cure headaches but there is one that will suit us. As I am writing this post, I'm already feeling sleepy and hoping that when I wake up later, I won't feel bloated again. Or else off to work I go with an empty stomach due to loss of appetite to eat..
Speaking of clogs, I was able to somehow clean my room and somehow relieved it from clogs and clutters. I found my old CDs, diskettes way back in college and before diskettes, floppy disks. Yes! I still have those old floppy disks tucked in my old books back in college. Oh yeah, and later is our very first high school batch reunion that I can't attend to because I need to sleep 'coz I got to work tonight.
Going back to the clutter and old stuffs I found in my room, finally I found the little diary I kept when I was in high school. It is a diary where I wrote some of my poems. Yes I write poems when I was in high school and I was also looking for my drawing book, but I couldn't find it. I was also doing some sketches and drawings during my elementary and high school days just to cure my boredom from watching my late grand ma's merchandising store.
Let me share to you one of the poems I wrote back then.
My Friend, My Love
Everyday I see you in school
And whenever I see you, my heart pounds heavily
When our paths cross you say a simple "Hi"
And hold my hands
If I don't see your face nor your shadow
You couldn't tell what my face looks like
And see you with another person
Something in my heart, that I don't understand
And when I am with you
You can't tell how happy I am
But what I feel for you, you don't know
You only know that we are just Friends
--- Justkyut
Tuesday, 6pm
October 15, 1996